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RCL 20 people


[Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz]

Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz, co-editor

Constitution and name
Mark Cracknell
Conferences & meetings
Gerry Rice
Half a Beep

[Frank Wales]

Frank Wales, co-editor

The founding of HPCC (interview with David Burch)
I blame Bill & Dave



David Burch
A letter to PPC Journal

[Diana Byrne]

Diana Byrne
Graphing calculator design and development

[Jim Carter]

Jim Carter
A Short History of EduCALC

[Graeme Cawsey]

Graeme Cawsey
Zengrange & John French

[Dave Conklin]

Dave Conklin
HP-41 design

[Jim Donnelly]

Jim Donnelly
My walk along the Hall of Fame

[Rabin Ezra]

Rabin Ezra
The early years

[Gary Friedman]

Gary Friedman
A hardware hacker's perspective

[Jordi Hidalgo]

Jordi Hidalgo
Why we need Datafile

[Ron Johnson]

Ron Johnson
CHIP chapter recollections

[Neville Joseph]

Neville Joseph
Users' clubs


Dean Lampman
The most toys

[Richard Nelson]

Richard Nelson
Starting a calculator club


John Olwoch
The end of an era

[Mark Power]

Mark Power

[Jake Schwartz]

Jake Schwartz
Founding the Philadelphia-area PPC Chapter

[Jeremy Smith]

Jeremy Smith
HP—There is no sequel

[Bill Wickes]

Bill Wickes
A Really Pathetic Name

[Raan Young]

Raan Young
Portrait of the engineer as a young nerd

RCL 20: People, Dreams & HP Calculators
W.A.C. Mier-Jedrzejowicz Ph.D. & Frank Wales (Eds)
ISBN: 0-9510733-3-8

Book design by Limitless Innovations. Cover art by Paola Kathuria.