About us RCL 20 Projects Colour Selector Library
Paola Kathuria
Frank Wales
Clients with several projects
Oxford University Press (1997-2005)
Redesign of OED Online
Redesign of OED marketing site
General & technical consultancy
Redesign of OED Online Help
OED Online Tour
OED marketing site
OED Online prototype
@ Limitless Innovations (2000-2003)
Berry Bros. & Rudd
One World Telecom
Scott Morrison Photography
Gratis & personal projects
Paolability Jewellery
Windsor Half Marathon
Psychology of Programming Interest Group
InetUK Usenet FAQ
Other sites by Paola
@ Limitless (1995-1999)
SilverPlatter Health & Safety Publishing
Institute of Physics Publishing
EU & UK ISP surveys
New Millennium Experience
Moorfields Eye Hospital
Ace Records
Embassy of Japan
Reuters Insurance Information Services
IBM Global Networks
Barclays Bank BarclayNet
Sainsbury's Wine Direct
@ Zengrange (1984-1990)
HP-41 Emulator for HP-48
Technical services

Other sites by Paola

Own companies

Limitless Innovations 2000-

Limitless Technical Dimensions Ltd 1995-1998

ArcGlade Services Ltd 1996-1998

Personal projects

Under the Baudwalk 1995, 1999

demon.local meets 1995-1997

Business projects

Denison Design 1998

Domis 1997

Tarlo Lyons law firm 1996

Redesigns as favours

Global Information Highway 1997

Design Jewel 2002

Virtual Memorial Garden 2001

John Paul Caponigro 2004

These are summaries of some of the other web sites that Paola Kathuria was involved in.

She designed, built and maintained the web sites for ArcGlade, Limitless and Limitless Innovations. She designed and built a shop to sell her jewellery.

She also built web sites or suggested alternative page designs.

The Limitless Innovations logo was designed by Bill Jones. Paola designed the Limitless Innovations using colour- and shape-coded section links (graphics + text). This version is the third design.

Paola was wholly responsible for the Limitless web site since the company started in 1995. We got a lot of work quite quickly after Sainsbury's Wine Direct and so there were several redesigns in the first few years.

Paola designed and built two versions of the web site for ArcGlade but the sites never contained much because we only started trading as ArcGlade when Paola started selling her jewellery online.

Under the Baudwalk

1995, 1999

In March 1995, as the web was taking off, Paola felt that the Internet was changing in such a way that people would not remember what the net was like before the web.

Paola decided to take a snapshot of the Internet by publishing a book of essays and stories by various famous or ordinary net people. Howard Rheingold was going to do a chapter. Bruce Sterling had agreed to write the foreward.

She created a web site to keep contributors up-to-date with progress. She redesigned the web site a few years later.

demon.local meets


During the late 1980s and again from the mid-1990s with Internet access from Demon, Paola and Frank were active Usenet users. A vibrant community formed around demon.local. Paola organised monthly meets in London and created a web site with maps, directions, photos and a diary.

Paola created the web pages for Denison Design's first web site. Denison worked with Limitless as graphic designers from 1995.



When Limitless first started, we bought a Piccadilly address from Virtual Office. We later pitched a proposal to Virtual Office to be their preferred web services supplier. Paola designed and created some sample home pages that VO could use in their sales effort.

Paola designed and created pages for the Intranet and public web site for Tarlo Lyons.

Redesigns as favours

Paola created an alternative page design for Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond as a favour in 1997. Amazingly, her design is still in use today (2011). [off-site] www.gih.com

Paola created a more professional page design with a stylesheet for the woman who had designed and made her wedding ring. [off-site] www.designjewel.com

The Virtual Memorial Garden has been around since 1995. It's an online book of remembrance and was created By Lindsay Marshall. Paola created a set of page templates with a purple colour scheme and different link graphics. [off-site] catless.ncl.ac.uk/VMG

A fellow member of the Digital Fine-Art mailing list, Paola created a styled HTML alternative to an existing web page created as a single graphic when the owner asked for feedback.